Online Yoga Classes for the week of April 5-12

Lots of changes everyday. First of all, here is a great article that everyone should read. It basically says to try to move away from our fight and flight response to a more calm mindset to improve our immune system. Another reason to do yoga!

I have decided in the interest of being extra careful about security not to post the links to my Zoom classes on the website. I have scheduled 7 weeks worth of classes that I think will just have one link for each class time for you to bookmark. (You don’t need to take every class, you only log in when you want to take a class) If you haven’t taken a Zoom class yet, they are fun. Send me an email and I can send you the link. We all chat before and after class and see our fellow students which makes it seem more like a real class in the studio. You can turn off your camera during class if you’d rather not be seen. I will be sending the links to the many people who have been coming to class regularly. If you didn’t receive it, please send me an email and I will send it to you.

( I might not have your email address). Zoom has recently done some security updates as well.

Zoom class schedule - Elizabeth Spahr - Kripalu Gentle Tuesdays, Fridays and Sundays at 9:30am

Elizabeth Spahr - Kripalu Moderate Tuesdays, Fridays and Sundays at 8:00am

If you don’t want to use Zoom, I have several video classes on Vimeo that are quite easy to watch. Just send me an email if you would like me to send you the link. Regular class rates apply. We hope to add more later.

Elizabeth Spahr - Gentle Kripalu, Moderate Kripalu, Yoga Nidra - guided meditation (great for relaxation)

Celina McMichael - Gentle Yoga

Jeannine Burgess - Vigorous Vinyasa

A note on the Village Yoga studio - the plants miss everyone! I watered them yesterday and they don’t look quite so happy without all that exhaling. Looking forward to getting back into the studio with everyone again.

I hope everyone gets outside to enjoy the sun today - keeping good physical distance from other people of course!

Take care and be well,
