It's Village Yoga's 13th Anniversary!

I am so thankful to our wonderful students for supporting the studio for 13 years! 2020 was a challenging year and I am so grateful for the healing power of yoga. It has been wonderful to have the connection with students through Zoom. Your support has kept the studio alive and vibrant.

I am looking ahead to re-opening the studio slowly. I have received my first COVID vaccine with the second shot on April. In May, we should be able to invite more students back into the studio for classes. Students will continue to sign up to attend in person in order to control the numbers until we can fully re-open. I've heard from a few people that they would like to continue attending through Zoom classes even when we do open. We will continue to offer that option until it is no longer necessary or wanted. Class cards have not expired one year after purchase as of January 2020 as originally planned. We will be happy to honor your cards when you are ready to come back to yoga. Perhaps once things return to normal, a one year expiration date will again be the norm. For now, we will be happy to see all of you again. We have missed the students who haven't been able to join us through Zoom!

As many of you already know, Susan Mirisola will be having hip replacement surgery on March 23rd. All her classes will be canceled until she is ready to return to teaching. We ask that you keep Susan in your heart on that day and "wrap her in a green blanket of love and support". This is something from the book "Prepare for Surgery, Heal Faster". I myself have asked people to do that for me when I was having a big surgery. I swear I could feel the love and I believe it helped with my healing. I'm sure Susan would love to hear from any of you who would like to send her some support by email or card. Ask me for her contact info if you would like to connect with her.

A few people have suggested we continue with the Yoga and Snowshoe group and make it a Yoga and Walking group. If you were in the snowshoe group, I can keep you on the list unless you would rather not be included. For those of you who were not in the snowshoe group, but would like to join the walking group, please let me know. It will be a very informal thing with occasional get togethers when the weather is good and the trails are not muddy. There are several Kennebunkport Conservation Trust trails, as well as many others, that would be fun to walk and do some yoga stretches.

Looking forward to spring and the gardening season. Make sure to prepare your body with yoga before getting out there and using those muscles you haven't used all winter. I have added a free Gentle Chair Yoga class to the other free offerings on our website. Enjoy!
