Welcoming Winter with Village Yoga

The days are getting colder and the leaves have almost disappeared from the trees. Nature tells us it is the time to turn inward and rest. Holidays can be joyful yet stressful. Take some time for yourself to rest and recharge. Remember to help those in need.

Village Yoga will once again collect requested items for Preble Street Homeless Shelter in Portland. There is a complete list posted at the studio and there is a collection bin in the waiting room. Here is partial of list of their most needed items:
Gloves (large, heavy duty), underwear (male and female), athletic socks, winter hats (unisex), Hooded sweatshirts (large, xl, +xl), flashlights, AA batteries, winter boots and travel sized personal care items. Elizabeth Spahr will deliver everything collected to Preble Street on Monday December 4.
For those of you who are not able to drop something off at the studio, there is another option. You can donate one punch from your class card and Elizabeth will purchase items from the list with any money donated. 

Mid-December Mind/Body
Stress Release Workshop

With Elizabeth Clarkson and Elizabeth Spahr

Sunday December 17th, 3:00-4:30pm, $20

Please pre-register

This in-studio workshop will begin with 30 minutes of gentle yoga stretching with Elizabeth Spahr. Once the body is prepared for relaxation, Elizabeth Clarkson will guide you in a short body scan and breath work. From there, she will lead you into a deeper place within your body to connect with your true self through Yoga Nidra. Elizabeth Spahr will end the class with a peaceful chant.


Susan Mirisola will offer her wonderful Restorative Yoga class on Sunday December 3rd, Sunday January 7th and other dates in 2024, 3:30-5:00pm, $25 or 2 punches on class card. Zoom class is also offered for $15 or 1 punch. Pre-register with Susan at scmirisola@gmail.com

In this class, students will be invited to restore, relax, rejuvenate, and heal body/mind/spirit in long-held postures supported by props.  With the use of blocks, bolsters, blankets, sandbags, eye bags, chairs, the wall and the floor, students will be guided to arrange their body into shapes that are often experienced in a regular yoga class. The difference is that in Restorative Class, a practice developed in 1937 by master yogi B.K.S. Iyengar from Pune, India, these poses held for anywhere between 5-15 minutes and which are fully supported, allow the body to go to a state of deep relaxation where the parasympathetic system is activated. This deep resting state invites healing and balance, as well as energizing as the body/mind/spirit releases physical and emotional tension. This is a receptive rather than an active practice, though the benefits are proven to be many and profound. As the body rests deeply, it begins to breathe on a cellular level and as the student focuses on the breath, an exploration of mind/body connection can begin. Prior yoga experience is not necessary, though is helpful.


Let's hope for snow this year so we can again gather for
Yoga and Snowshoeing!Let Elizabeth Spahr know if you would like to be on the Snowshoe list. On good snow days, Elizabeth will send out an invitation to meet somewhere to snowshoe as a group. Always a fun time!

"Kindness is like snow - it beautifies everything it covers."
Kahlil Gibran

Thank you for being part of Village Yoga